How to Write a Blog Post for SEO: 2023 Guide

So you’ve done the research, created some forecasts, and decided to start a blog. But how do you actually write a blog that’s “good?” Here are some of the tips I used to increase my clients traffic in just a few months. 

Google was once a "simple" algorithm driven tool. And SEOs built their entire marketing frameworks around it. But that's all changing.

When Microsoft made a $10 billion investment into OpenAI, they integrated chatGPT right into the bing search engine interface.  Google announced their plans to also add generative AI right to their search platform, too. Marketers need to refine their SEO strategies to fit into this new landscape. If they don't, it'll start to impact organic traffic rankings and eventually revenue.

Prefer to watch? Check out my breakdown on SEO & Generative AI on YouTube!

Alright, so you’ve done the research, created some forecasts, and decided to start a blog. But how do you actually write a blog post for SEO that's also good for users?

By good I mean:

  • One that keeps users engaged for a long time (ideally, most or all of the article)
  • Gets links from other websites or social media accounts
  • Ranks well in google

Well, for a new blog, doing any of these things can be tough (your site simply doesn’t have the benefit of time). But there are definitely ways of doing it that will help.